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Member Roles

Members have different permissions for each role. Role levels are inherited from the highest level they’re given within an organization. Members can only invite other members at the same permission level or lower.

Member Role Resource Permissions
Organization Admin Dashboards Create, Edit, and Remove
Integrations Create, Edit, Reauthorize, and Remove
Enable Integration in a workspace Enable and Disable
User Invitation Create, Edit, and Remove
Members Create, Edit, and Remove
Organization Read and Edit
Workspaces Create, Edit, and Archive
Editor (Organization, Workspace, Dashboard level) Dashboards Create, Edit, and Remove
Integrations Create, Edit, Reauthorize, and Remove
Enable Integration in a workspace Enable and Disable
User Invitation Create, Edit, and Remove
Members Create, Edit, and Remove
Organization Read
Workspaces Create and Edit
Viewer (Organization, Workspace, and Dashboard level) Dashboards Read
Integrations Read
User Invitation Read
Members Read
Organization Read
Workspaces Read